Technology, Leadership, and the Future of Schools
Post #1
"The Future of Learning"
In this post, he talks about current trends in learning and technology. He gives a list including: digital rather than ink on paper, informal, online not depending on local human contact, mobile, multimedia, self-directed, networked, personalized, computer based, accessible, project-based, simulation, and game based. He says we are not going to move backwards in terms of technology and it is only going to become more present in the classroom and in all aspects of learning. He poses several questions at the end. How do we design our classrooms to involve these things? If we don't, will education remain relevant to students, families, and the community? Finally he asks his readers what they think of the list and if there anything you'd add or remove?
Response #1
In my response I introduced myself and told him that I was currently taking Dr.Strange's EDM310 class. His post seemed to spark a debate between commenter's who did or did not believe in bringing more technology into the classroom. After taking this course, I am obviously with the commenter's who were for more technology in the classroom. I said that I, as a student, loved technology in the classroom and fully expect it to be more and more present. I agreed that social interaction is just as important at schools as academic education is. School can be technology based without students being home schooled. Students can still attend school as they already do and interact with their peers. They will just use laptops and smart boards as the means of schoolwork. I also noted that it could eventually save schools a lot of money and by blocking technology from the classroom we would only be hindering students from learning information which will without a doubt be constantly present in their future careers.
In this post he is talking about principals and superintendents who spend large amounts of time blogging and tweeting. He asks, "Are administrators who blog and Tweet self-absorbed and self-indulgent, gorging themselves on the Web and enhancing their own reputations at the potential expense of their schools organizations? Is it true that administrators who are running 'really tough schools' can't (or shouldn't) blog and tweet?"
Response #2
In my response to this post I argued my opinion on why tweeting and blogging by principals and administrators is not self-indulgent, self-absorbed, nor a waste of the schools time. I said that blogging is a great way to communicate with coworkers, other administrators, students, parents, and the community in general. It is also a great way for the readers to be able to poise a question or make suggestions on the subject at hand.
I also made the point of saying that blogging is not always done during school hours. It may be done before school, after school, during breaks, lunch, or even in between meetings.
I then began my mini rant on tweeting. I said that principals and administrators tweeting does not bother me at all! Posting a tweet takes no time it all. It can only be 140 characters for goodness sakes. How long does it take someone to write one sentence? Most tweets can be posted as fast as a short txt message. So I ask the question, "How much time do we really think they're wasting?" Finally I said that often times if you post a question to twitter, it will be answered a lot faster than if you tried to research and verify the answer on your own.
So my answer to his question would definitely be NO, principals and administrators are not wasting school time and being self-indulgent and self-absorbed.